How To Spend 1 Week In Senegal?

So, you’ve got one week to dive into the wonders of Senegal? Awesome choice! Senegal is like a box of assorted chocolates – so many flavors, all unique and delightful. Now, to make sure you get a taste of the best bits, you’re gonna need a bit of a game plan. And guess what? I’ve got your back! Let’s embark on this thrilling adventure together and discover the coolest spots and experiences Senegal has to offer. Ready?

Read more: Ultimate Senegal Itinerary for 7 Days, 10 Days or 2 Weeks

1 Week In Senegal

This city is just bursting with energy and has so much to offer. Plus, it’s super convenient for day trips to some really cool places like Saint-Louis and the Pink Lake, and the best part? You won’t even have to worry about packing up and moving to a new hotel every night!

Now, soaking in the vibes of Dakar is an experience in itself, but we’ve got more ground to cover. Next stop: the south! Here, we’re going to dive into the magic of the Casamance region and stroll around Ziguinchor, a town that’s just oozing with colonial charm. Trust me, it’s like stepping back in time!

And because we’re all about the balance, we’re heading north next, and you’re in for a treat. The Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary is up there and it’s nothing short of breathtaking. Birds as far as the eye can see – it’s like a live-action nature documentary!

As our week starts to wrap up, we’re back to Dakar for one last hurrah. Trust me, this city has so many hidden treasures; you’ll be glad we saved some time to uncover them.

Day 1: Dakar


Dakar is a city that’s alive with energy 24/7, and it’s sure to sweep you off your feet! From the moment you step out into its lively streets, you’ll be right in the middle of all the excitement. Let’s dive straight into the action at the bustling Sandanga market. Here, the air is filled with chatter, and you’ll need to bring your A-game for bargaining with the lively vendors. Just a little tip – keep an eye out and make sure those cool souvenirs are really from Africa, and not from somewhere else!

Next up, let’s soak in some culture at the IFAN Museum of African Arts. This place is like a treasure chest of African art and artifacts, and it’s one of the oldest museums around these parts. It’s the perfect spot to learn about Senegal’s rich history and artistic heritage.

And hey, the fun’s just getting started! As the day turns to night, Dakar transforms. We’ll kick off the evening with some scrumptious local dishes at Bayékou restaurant – it’s a foodie’s paradise! And trust me, you won’t want to miss this.

But don’t fill up too much, because we’ve got dancing to do! Our next stop is Le Thiossane, where you’ll get to experience Mbalax music like a true local. It’s this amazing blend of African rhythms, soul, rock, and jazz – and it’s impossible to stand still once the beat drops.

Day 2: Goree Island

goree island

Time to dive into the charm and history of Gorée Island! Starting off from Dakar’s main ferry terminal, Gare Maritime, you’re just a breezy 20-minute ferry ride away from island vibes. Once you get there, take a relaxing walk along “Little Gorée Beach,” bask in the sunshine, and let the sea breeze set the perfect mood for a day full of exploration.

Next up, we’re heading to the House of Slaves, or Maison des Esclaves. This place is really important; it’s where many enslaved Africans spent their last moments in Senegal before being taken away. The Door of No Return is a strong, emotional reminder of those tough times. While it might be a heavy experience, especially for Black visitors, it’s a crucial part of understanding the island’s history and its impact on West Africa.

With all that emotion and deep reflection, you’ll probably be ready for some good food. And hey, there’s no better place to enjoy a meal than right by the ocean! We suggest checking out some of the local eateries in the fishing village. It’s a great way to support the folks here and treat yourself to some super fresh and delicious fish, straight from Senegalese waters.

Read more: Does Senegal Have Good Beaches?

Day 3: Pink Lake

pink lake senegal

Just an hour’s drive from Dakar, this stunning pink lake has caught the eye of tourists and Instagram enthusiasts from all around. Why is it pink, you ask? Well, it’s all thanks to these teeny tiny micro-algae called dunaliella salina. They love salt, and this lake has loads of it, almost as much as the Dead Sea! That’s what makes the lake shine in its unique pink hue. It’s like something from another planet!

But hey, don’t just take my word for it, go check it out yourself! While the lake is at its pinkest from November to June, it’s a breathtaking sight any time of the year. And if you’re up for a bit of fun, hop on a quad bike and zoom around the surrounding sand dunes, or enjoy a peaceful horse ride along the edge of the lake. It’s an awesome way to make memories that you’ll be talking about for years to come.

Day 4: Saly Beach

saly beach

This cozy coastal town is hiding some seriously stunning views, fancy five-star hotels, amazing spas to chill out in, and restaurants that will have your taste buds dancing with joy. And guess what? It’s all less than 50 miles from Dakar!

The beach here is simply the star of the show. It’s golden, it’s wide, and it curls gently around a beautiful bay with water that’s the most gorgeous shade of blue. People come from all over just to spend a day on this slice of paradise, and once you see it for yourself, you’ll totally understand why.

Day 5: Saint Louis

saint louis senegal

The iconic Pont Faidherbe, a bridge crafted by none other than Gustave Eiffel himself. As you make your way across, get ready for your jaw to drop at the sight of the Hôtel de la Poste, a picturesque building with its red-tiled roof, big pool, and a super welcoming front porch. Inside, the hotel’s bar is like a trip back in time, complete with faux leopard skins and mounted animal heads. It’s like stepping into a scene from an old, romantic movie.

But hey, we’re just getting started! Just a short 12km south of Saint-Louis, there’s this amazing spot called Réserve de Guembeul. It’s a whopping 700 hectares of pure nature bliss, and they’re doing something really cool there – they’ve got a breeding program for four types of Sahelian antelope that sadly aren’t found in the wild in Senegal anymore. During your visit, you might spot small groups of these antelopes, and if you’re really lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of the patas monkey or some warthogs. Birdwatchers, you’re in for a treat, because this place is home to a bunch of different birds all year round, and when the rainy season hits, the floodplains fill up and attract all sorts of water birds.

Day 6: Djoudj National Bird Park

pelicans in senegal

Get ready to be totally wowed at the Djoudj National Bird Park—it’s like a paradise with over 300 different kinds of birds, and trust me, you’ll be totally amazed! To kickstart this adventure, you can either sign up for a guided tour or grab a taxi right from where you’re staying in St Louis. When you get there, you’ll need to pay an entrance fee of 5,000 FCFA, but it’s totally worth it.

Now, for the fun part – you’ve got some cool options on how to explore the park. You can hop into a vehicle, or for something a bit more unique, why not try a river cruise? If you want to add a bit of extra magic to your visit, rent a traditional wooden boat called a pirogue, and don’t forget to grab a guide! They’ll help you spot all sorts of amazing birds as you float along the Senegal River. On our 90-minute boat trip, we managed to spot more than 30 different bird species—it was like a real-life bird watching bonanza!

Read more: How To Get From Dakar To Banjul Using Public Transport

Day 7: Touba

touba senegal

On your journey back to Dakar, you really should make a pit stop in the sacred city of Touba. Imagine this: a place named after a tree from Paradise according to Islamic beliefs. This modest town has turned into the heart and soul of Mouridism, which is the biggest Sufi brotherhood in Senegal, boasting around 5 million followers. Can you believe that in just 90 years since the death of its founder Bamba in 1927, Touba has transformed from a small village to a bustling town, and now it’s Senegal’s second-largest city? And it’s still growing fast—the population has shot up to 1.5 million in the last ten years alone!

Now, get this: Touba is home to the largest mosque in all of West Africa, and it plays host to one of the biggest pilgrimages in the world, right up there with Mecca. The rise of ‘la ville Sainte’ (that’s French for ‘the holy city’) is absolutely incredible, especially considering how the city has stuck closely to Bamba’s original ideals. These beliefs give Touba its very own special charm and identity today.

Is One Week Enough To Travel Senegal?

Now, I know it would be perfect to spend weeks on end exploring every nook and cranny, but hey, sometimes we’re on a tight schedule, and that’s okay. Don’t you worry, though, with a bit of smart planning and an adventurous spirit, you can absolutely make the most out of a one-week trip!

Starting off in the energetic city of Dakar, moving through the pretty-in-pink Lake Retba, and landing in the quaint, historic town of Saint-Louis, you’ll dip your toes in a little bit of everything that makes Senegal the gem that it is. Picture yourself haggling in bustling markets, treating your taste buds with yummy local dishes, moving and grooving to live music, and even embarking on a safari to meet some wild and wonderful animals right where they belong.

Sure, a week might not be enough to see it all, but believe me, it’s plenty of time to create memories that will last a lifetime and to get a real taste of the unique vibe and special charm that Senegal has to offer.

What Should I Know About Visiting Senegal?

Figuring out the perfect amount of time for a trip to Senegal? Well, it really comes down to what you’re curious about and what you’re hoping to see and do. If you’re aiming to really dive deep and check out most of the big attractions without feeling like you’re in a race against time, then setting aside around 10 to 14 days would be the way to go. This way, you can take your sweet time exploring Dakar, get to know historical spots like Île de Gorée, chill out for a few days at the beach, go on adventures in the national parks, and maybe even journey to some of the more tucked-away places like the Casamance region.

Now, I totally get it if you’re running a bit tight on time. Guess what? Even with just a week in Senegal, you can still experience a ton! You can roam around Dakar, spend some time at Île de Gorée, check out the Pink Lake, and dive into one of the stunning national parks.

Read more: How To Get To Casamance?

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